Featured Events
10:00 AM | 224/300 Main Street South, Kenora, ON
Spend March Break with family and friends exploring exhibits at The Muse facilities.
Through the generous contribution of Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. and /artsvest Ontario, the Lake of the Woods Museum and the Douglas Family Art Centre have free admission for the entire March Break.
We are open Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with three exciting exhibitions to enjoy.
- Renewal at the Museum
- 8 Rooms at the Art Centre
- Herring People - Iinang-Xaadee at the Art Centre
We look forward to seeing you!
12:00 PM | 211 Bay Street, Keewatin, ON
St Andrews United Church invites you to join us on Fridays for a light lunch of soup, buns, dessert and beverages. We gather around 12 noon and enjoy a hot meal while visiting with other members of our community.
We gather most Fridays and will post on facebook "St Andrews United Church Keewatin" when we need to cancel.
There is no cost to attend but donations are welcomed.
10:00 AM | 224/300 Main Street South, Kenora, ON
Spend March Break with family and friends exploring exhibits at The Muse facilities.
Through the generous contribution of Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. and /artsvest Ontario, the Lake of the Woods Museum and the Douglas Family Art Centre have free admission for the entire March Break.
We are open Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with three exciting exhibitions to enjoy.
- Renewal at the Museum
- 8 Rooms at the Art Centre
- Herring People - Iinang-Xaadee at the Art Centre
We look forward to seeing you!
6:00 PM | 152 Main Street South, Kenora
Jam Nights for winter 2025!
Come on out and strut your stuff! We have some various dates so check the poster out so you know when things are happening!
We look forward to seeing the veterans and new up and comers in the community. This is for all ages and abilities!!!
12:00 PM | 211 Bay Street, Keewatin, ON
St Andrews United Church invites you to join us on Fridays for a light lunch of soup, buns, dessert and beverages. We gather around 12 noon and enjoy a hot meal while visiting with other members of our community.
We gather most Fridays and will post on facebook "St Andrews United Church Keewatin" when we need to cancel.
There is no cost to attend but donations are welcomed.
11:00 AM | 211 Bay Street, Keewatin, ON
Come and join us in making PYSANKAs (decorated eggs) for Easter. We will be gathering at 11:00 a.m. to create your own unique egg designs.
Eggs, tools, wax and dye will be provided. You may want to pack a snack in case your stay all day. The cost is $10.00 per person. You need to pre-register as we are limited to 15 people. You can pre-pay by registering using e-transfer to standrewskeewatin@yahoo.com. Please indicate in the message your name, contact info, and number of registrations.
If you require additional information contact Pat at standrews211@gmail.com or call 807-547-2569.
9:00 AM | 326 Second Street South, Kenora
Indigenous Employment and Training Services is preparing to officially open "The Empowered Spirit Program" on Monday, March 24, 2025.
We are currently collecting kindly used, professional clothing at our office on 326 Second Street South.
We are lacking in donations of men's clothing and women's plus size clothing.
Cothing collection is ongoing. We do not receive clothing on weekends.
12:00 PM | 211 Bay Street, Keewatin, ON
St Andrews United Church invites you to join us on Fridays for a light lunch of soup, buns, dessert and beverages. We gather around 12 noon and enjoy a hot meal while visiting with other members of our community.
We gather most Fridays and will post on facebook "St Andrews United Church Keewatin" when we need to cancel.
There is no cost to attend but donations are welcomed.
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